Week Five
And they recognized him... (Luke 24:31)
"Call out to Jesus to remain with you always along the many roads to Emmaus of our time. May He be your strength, your point of reference, your enduring hope." --Pope John Paul II, World Youth Day XII
Think About That
Remember the story of the disciples walking the road to Emmaus after Jesus' death? The disciples were in despair. They thought they had just lost their best friend forever. They were down in the dumps. They were losing hope. Then Jesus appeared and walked with them and restored their hope.
Take Action
Read the story of the road to Emmaus in Luke 24:13-35 in your Bible. This week pay attention to your friend in school who seems to be in the dumps. What can you do to walk with that friend today to help him or her have hope again?
Say A Prayer
Jesus, thank you for not leaving us, for always being with us and for walking by our sides. Help me to be a friend like you, to walk with my friends in their time of despair, to bring them a sense of hope in your name. Amen.
Did You Know?
In March 1943, Pope John Paul II had his first lead role in the theatrical performance of "Samuel Zborowski." It was also his last theatrical performance.
Taken from...
My Dear Young Friends: Pope John Paul II Speaks to Youth on Life, Love, and Courage
Copyright © 2002 -- Reprinted with permission of the editor, John M. Vitek.
My Dear Young Friends, a collection of fifty-two weekly reflections on living in the Spirit, invites young people to read and act on Pope John Paul II's inspiring addresses to young people gathered at annual World Youth Day celebrations. Please visit www.smp.org for more information from the publisher, Saint Mary's Press.