Week Twenty-One
Let your light shine... (Matthew 5:16)
"You are ready for what Christ wants of you now. He wants you--all of you--to be the light of the world, as only young people can be light. It is time to let your light shine!" --Pope John Paul II, St. Louis, Missouri
Think About That
The Holy Father says that you are ready for what Christ wants of you now! Now is the time for you to follow Christ! Now is the time for you to be the light of the world! Now is the time to let your light shine! He asks you not to wait until you are older, because you will never be more ready than you are right now!
Take Action
Quit waiting for the perfect moment. That time will never come. Instead, put down this book right now and go do a good deed! . . . Why are you still reading this page? Go do God's work right now! Do God's work all week!
Say A Prayer
Lord, now that I've realized that now is the time to do your will in the world, help me to never again say, "I'll do it when I'm older."
Did You Know?
In 1942, Pope John Paul II began studies for the priesthood in Krakow's secret seminary.
Taken from...
My Dear Young Friends: Pope John Paul II Speaks to Youth on Life, Love, and Courage
Copyright © 2002 -- Reprinted with permission of the editor, John M. Vitek.
My Dear Young Friends, a collection of fifty-two weekly reflections on living in the Spirit, invites young people to read and act on Pope John Paul II's inspiring addresses to young people gathered at annual World Youth Day celebrations. Please visit www.smp.org for more information from the publisher, Saint Mary's Press.