Week Twenty-Seven

Honor your father and your mother... (Exodus 20:12)

"I am thinking especially of your parents, who cooperate with God in giving you life and in caring for you: honor them and be grateful for them!" --Pope John Paul II, World Youth Day XIV

Think About That

Have you ever stopped to think about how your parents are "cooperators" with God? Our parents work with God by loving us and working to provide for our needs. Their love for us comes from God. Sometimes we fail to recognize that.

Take Action

One night this week make dinner for your parents. Have a cake with candles to celebrate your gratitude for them. Have party favors--hats, noisemakers, and balloons--and make the dinner a real celebration.

Say A Prayer

Lord, I don't always show it, but I am so grateful for my parents, for all they do for me. They love me because you love them. Thank you for that.

Did You Know?

Pope John Paul II has made five pastoral visits to the United States of America.

Taken from...
My Dear Young Friends: Pope John Paul II Speaks to Youth on Life, Love, and Courage
Copyright © 2002 -- Reprinted with permission of the editor, John M. Vitek.

My Dear Young Friends, a collection of fifty-two weekly reflections on living in the Spirit, invites young people to read and act on Pope John Paul II's inspiring addresses to young people gathered at annual World Youth Day celebrations. Please visit for more information from the publisher, Saint Mary's Press.