Youth Apostles Online
Newsletter for Catholic Teens : May 2002

Chaste Guardian of the Virgin
Saint Joseph, Model of Purity
Prayer to Saint Joseph

Chaste Guardian of the Virgin

Dear Friends,

"How beautiful is the chaste generation!" (Wisdom 4:1)

My husband and I were doing a novena to St. Joseph a while ago, and during the Litany to St. Joseph, I was inspired by one of his titles, "Chaste Guardian of the Virgin." Woah! That is sooo cool! I mean it's like he had this totally awesome, dignified role of "guarding" the Virgin. In Mary, we see virginity for what it really is - sacred and miraculous. After all, Jesus was conceived in her womb through the power of the Holy Spirit. And she remained a virgin her whole life. And it was Joseph's job, as her chosen husband, to "guard" that sacred virginity as a "chaste" spouse.

Did you know that we are all called to be a Chaste Guardian of Virgins? God doesn't just ask you to preserve your own virginity until marriage. We all have a sacred duty to preserve the dignity of virginity in the people we meet. How do you do that?

Well, as guys you can treat the women you know with respect and dignity. Affirm the women you know for their interior beauty. Show them by your example that "good" guys do exist, so they don't feel like they have to compromise. If you are in a dating relationship, it is your duty as a real man of God to be a leader in purity. Don't go "as far as she'll let you" but be leader of real love by setting boundaries in your physical affection that will help both of you remain chaste.

Girls, I think the main thing we can do to guard men's virginity is to carry ourselves in a way that earns respect, not lust. Men were made by God to be more visually oriented. If we really respect guys and have mercy on them, we will do our best to dress modestly so we don't tempt them into lustful thoughts. Plus, we can help them by the way we act. If we're being flaky flirty throw-yourself-at-him airheads, chances are he will respond. Help men learn how to treat women with respect by demanding it in the way you act.

This is an awesome role we have... to be Chaste Guardians of Virginity. I challenge you to accept it with the strength of character that would make our God proud to call you His sons and daughters. Purity is infectious. Go spread the fire!

Until next month, I remain...

Your Eucharist loving, Blessed Mother petitioning, rockin' Catholic Church obeying, Pope John Paul II devotee and fellow sinner in need of God's grace and mercy,

Michele TePas
Youth Apostles Online

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Saint Joseph, Model of Purity

Saint Joseph was pre-eminent in purity because he feared God and faithfully observed His holy law; because he safeguarded his virtue by fear of the Sovereign Good and by prudence; because he sheltered it under the virginity of Mary, and felt the influence of Jesus the divine Son of all sanctity.

How pure must he have been who was to become the worthy spouse of the Immaculate Virgin! How holy must he have been whose relations with the thrice holy God were so intimate.

- from "The Catholic Family Book of Novenas," John Crawley & Co. 1956

Prayer to Saint Joseph

Saint Joseph, help me to understand the excellence of purity and how dear it is to the heart of God. Teach me to preserve carefully this delicate virtue under the shadow of the fear of God; to safeguard it by prayer, by vigilance, by shunning the world, by careful watch over my heart and my senses. Grant that I may henceforward close my heart to all disorderly affections; that I may deserve to enjoy like thee upon earth the friendship and intimacy of Jesus, and that it may be given to me one day to sing in Heaven the canticle reserved for Virgins.

- from "The Catholic Family Book of Novenas," John Crawley & Co. 1956