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Have the Courage to Speak about Christ, by Pope John Paul II
Prayer for the New School Year
Dear Friends,
I hope you had a great summer full of fun and relaxation! A new school year is upon us and I have some challenges and encouragement for you!
God can do so much through just one person who is ready and willing to be His instrument. If you haven't already, I challenge you to really try to be an apostle in your school this year. All you have to do is let Jesus know that you want to give your days to Him for His service -- that you want Him to use you to bring His presence to your school. And PRAY to the Holy Spirit that you will say "Yes!" whenever you feel His promptings.
I remember I used to start many of my school days by praying a simple prayer: "Jesus, I want to be your servant today; I want to be your apostle. Please lead me to the people that most need to be loved by you." It was amazing what He would throw my way when I just asked! :)
There's so much you can do! As St. Francis said, "Preach the Gospel at all times, and if necessary use words." What he meant was that the best and most important way we can draw people to Christ is through our example, the way we live. Sometimes you don’t even have to say anything to someone to inspire them to be like Jesus. My challenge for you this year is to think really hard about ways you can clean up or strengthen your example. Simple stuff like choosing not to participate in gossip, treating other people with kindness and charity (even if they haven't done the same for you!), dressing modestly as an outward sign of your commitment to chastity, staying away from cigarettes and alcohol, treating your parents with respect (especially if your friends are around), and so much more!
God loves you. God needs you. God can make a difference through you. Give this school year to Him like you never have before, then sit back and watch what He will accomplish through you!
Until next month, I remain...
Your Eucharist loving, Blessed Mother petitioning, rockin' Catholic Church obeying, Pope John Paul II devotee and fellow sinner in need of God's grace and mercy,
Michele TePas
Youth Apostles Online
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"Dear young people, proclaiming the Word of God is not the responsibility of priests or religious alone, but it is yours too. You must have the courage to speak about Christ in your families and in places where you study, work or recreate.... There are places and circumstances where you alone can bring the seed of God's Word."
- Pope John Paul II, World Youth Day VII
Spirit of God,
fill our hearts with a desire
to seek truth and rejoice in beauty.
Help us to know what is pleasing to you
and to understand what is right
and good in your sight.
Give us the spirit of learning
that we may please you by our thoughts
and love you in your creation.
Give all teachers
your constant encouragement
and guide them in their good work.
Spirit of God,
make us effective witnesses of your truth
to all whose lives we touch.
We ask this in the name of Jesus our Lord.