Each day, hundreds of thousands of teens spend countless hours surfing the net. A recent survey by PricewaterhouseCoopers found that 68% of those teens are searching for information about sensitive topics such as sexuality. Faithless organizations like Planned Parenthood are fully aware of this. They are successfully using the internet to promote sex, contraception and abortion to our children.
The web is mission territory, the frontier of the New Evangelization. While many Catholics fear the internet for legitimate reasons, our Holy Father has called us to "go against the tide" and "put out into the deep of the Net."
Youth Apostles Online is going against the tide. Our goal is to create a home for Catholic teens on the web -- a comprehensive source of Truth, amidst a sea of lies, on the issues that are most important to them. The internet will revolutionize Catholic youth ministry in the new millennium. We will be there.
Help us build this community. Please, support our work.
Prayer is the most important way you can support our work. Please pray for our staff, and for the conversion and sanctification of all the teens who visit this website.
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